This is bizarre, refuses to acknowledge that the BN across the street from me exists. I know it exists... I can see it from my window, why won't it come up in the search?
If Rod Sterling pops up while I'm in there, someone may get injured.
That happens occasionally. Basically, the companies forget to register the store-or, more often, the store across the street is, in fact, a franchise store. Meaning, of course, that it isn't actually part of the company, and they have no reason to chart it.
:D Having no school is fun. However, I'm supposed to be cleaning. Am I? Obviously not. >.> I'm just insanely lazy...
And it's funny how I go to the bookstore the day before a book I want comes out. Figures. Oh well. I can wait to read FANG...I have enough books to read. :\ Which I can't decide if it's a good or bad thing.
It turns out that my bookstore across the street doesn't have it.
So, I'll be checking on a daily basis unti Thursday. If it hasn't turned up by then (And it ought to, I mean, MAX is there) then I'll be off on an annoying and elaborate adventure into Center City this Saturday. Not my idea of a good time.
In the meantime, I will continue to try to avoid the massive spoilers that will be flying around.
I'm pretty tired of the ugly block letters I do and this way some of my friends who never do their work won't be able to read mine and therefore unable to copy it when they think I don't know. Unfortunately it looks horribly ugly and I can't make out some of the words...