Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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You haven't been on in ages. And I've been too lazy to stalk you over FB.

*glomps back*

That's probably a good thing, since I've been on facebook once in the last like, three weeks. I feel like I say this all the time, but I think I'm seeing the light at the end of my tunnel of busy-ness...
How're you?
Well, just a tad..

Social Lives = Good. Even if you're not on here all the time.

Pretty good actually. I've developed a bit of a social life which is a miracle itself. I'm on March Break so I don't have to do anything or wake up horribly early. And for one week my room will be clean. It's fabulous.

Ha, my social life. It's still weird to me to hang out with people outside of school...

That's wonderful! I love having a clean room... Look at us with our shiny new matching social lives. Tis strange no? I can't seem to get used to it...

I'm well-ish. I'm a lot more tired than I used to be (which could be a reason I'm not on that often, I go to bed at like 8 every night), but on the whole life is running smoothly.
My friends were all, "Oh my god, I saw Xuut out of school!" to each other. >.>

-Strokes Social Life- They're oh so shiny. 8D No I can't... I spent all of Friday out. Twas waaay weird.

But sleep is ver, ver, important. Lately I've been going to bed early as well. Mainly because I have to get up early but still. I've also realized I fare much better on tests when I've had more than six hours of sleep. Which is another reason...
XD I actually had someone over at my house. I haven't had that happen for like 3 or 4 years...

Yes, blindingly so... I'm going to go "hang out" with someone tomorrow, and I'm going to "get together" with someone else this weekend. O.O Very odd indeed...

I don't know, I just can't be that sleep deprived anymore, it kills me. but I do love to sleep, even if I go to bed before most ten year olds...

Yes, one does tend to do better in school in general when one sleeps. I've learned this the hard way.
I've never actually had someone over. I have so many people living in my house I just find it weird. Plus my siblings are loud and nosy. And some of my friends are scared of my sister who shares a room with me. So normally I go to their house.


XDD When I was ten my sister and I stayed up till 3 AM, consistently. But normal ten year olds? Yeah.

I had a theory for a while. And came to this conclusion after doing very well on 3 test while having lots of sleep.
Ah, I never go to other people's houses, it's to uncomfortable, but it was an anomaly for my house to have anyone but my family under it's roof.

Yes, normal ten year olds... *also used to stay up that late* I could always get away with it because my brother got to stay up that late.

Yes, well when my grades dropped dramatically when I wasn't sleeping, but improved when I was, i figured it out...
I usually go to the same two people's houses so I'm pretty comfortable there.

I got away with it... because I did? I actually don't know why...

-Nods- I'm pretty sure this term my grades are way better. Hitting the 90's at least, especially since I'm participating in Gym now.
Who you?

*glomps anyways*
I think we may have met, but I'm sporadic, so you probably haven't seen much of me. I'm Kayte, one of the resident oldies, and also the busiest person on earth. Nice to meet you.

*stares at hand*


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