Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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All real Govt groups use DOS and Linux, and I think they use Windows if it doesn't matter. I know that they have some Dells up on the ISS.
That was a complete and total waste of three hours. Bus ride excluded.

I didn't even meet any drunks because it was so early. :|
*screams* I READ FANG!!!!!!!! HOW DARE JP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*cries* He shot Jeb! Made Angel all bitchy! Killed Fang then brought him back and then made him leave! D: D: D: D:
1) I was waiting for Jeb to get shot. Bet you 1-10 that Max hardly notes it at all.

2) I have so much to say about Angel.

3) Fang leaving... I'll admit that I rolled my eyes and laughed at what Max scribbled on the folder page. It reads like a squeepost! As for my thoughts on Fang leaving... I'll have more to say later.
*is always like that* *ADD meds have pretty much stopped working* :/

...And this is why my grades are slipping.
>.> Being mildly bitter I let my mum talk me into longer-than-usual-but-free shipping on two books I want to read. Of course I still have two other books to finish, but I'll be done with long before those two will get here. And one of the books on it's long way is FANG, and dammit, I'm tired of trying to dodge all the spoilers everywhere! I've already caught a few. Not to mention the other is the next Demonata book which I'm also dying to read.

*smacks self* >.< Must-read-books-I have! Don't contemplate the long wait for the other books...just read these two. *sighs* ...^^ I feel better now.
Me too... -.-
Did any of you notice that Fang actually had a saved copy of a post from the old blog at the end of the book?
Which one?
The 30 questions from Jess.
They're not the same questions.


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