E-cigarette bill passed the Senate hearing yesterday 6-0! :DDD
Thank you to everyone who actually got to go and testify or protest or just look menacing in the hearing. I luh you guys.
The law will go into effect almost immedietly, banning the use/possession/sale of e-cgarettes and iquid nicotines to minors. Yay improvement!
Won't be on much this weekend. There's entirely too much going on. Today after school, I get to help with the Literacy Alive thingy at our almost nonexistent mall (I get to help with face-painting with my school Art Club :D), and then I'm going to a punk show an hour away at 9:00.
Saturday, I have to help mom look after 10 or more learning disabled kids let loose in a warehouse full of bouncehouses. <.> Then I'm going to the Edge of Eternity show, also an hour away.
Sunday I've been asked to go hang out at somebody's house, which I never, ever get asked to do. :D But at 4:30 I have to take the three-hour trek to Aiken and back to pick up my brother and sister.
When will I ever get to Physics or Geography homework that are due (with tests) on Monday?!
Feeling strangely calm and happy. *shrugs* Even though I have revision and homework, and Tally's battery is dying. (EDIT: Her laptop battery. That sounded weird. :P)