Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I refuse to believe he plays rugby for a living.

Actually, not that hard to believe XD

I saw that.

His/her permeating stupidity made my IQ drop fifty points.

Facebook isn't working.
And I really need to get offline. I wanted to talk to Flying though, and she's not online yet....

Will somebody tell her that I love her and stuff when she gets online? Thanks. I love you too, person who might be reading this.

Anyway. I still need to get offline. So, goodnight everyone. Sleep well.
*eventually meanders through thread to get to this*
Yeah... I don't get home till like 11 your time on school days...

XD I love you lots as well.

Goodnight, sleep well. Be safe, be happy.
Hey Facebook.

I have crumble.
E-cigarette bill passed the Senate hearing yesterday 6-0! :DDD

Thank you to everyone who actually got to go and testify or protest or just look menacing in the hearing. I luh you guys.

The law will go into effect almost immedietly, banning the use/possession/sale of e-cgarettes and iquid nicotines to minors. Yay improvement!
This is the thing you were involved in and posted a YouTube link to a while back, no? If it is, then :DDDD to you and the Senate.
Won't be on much this weekend. There's entirely too much going on. Today after school, I get to help with the Literacy Alive thingy at our almost nonexistent mall (I get to help with face-painting with my school Art Club :D), and then I'm going to a punk show an hour away at 9:00.
Saturday, I have to help mom look after 10 or more learning disabled kids let loose in a warehouse full of bouncehouses. <.> Then I'm going to the Edge of Eternity show, also an hour away.
Sunday I've been asked to go hang out at somebody's house, which I never, ever get asked to do. :D But at 4:30 I have to take the three-hour trek to Aiken and back to pick up my brother and sister.
When will I ever get to Physics or Geography homework that are due (with tests) on Monday?!
Feeling strangely calm and happy. *shrugs* Even though I have revision and homework, and Tally's battery is dying. (EDIT: Her laptop battery. That sounded weird. :P)
XD her battery...
Oh my zombie, she's a robot!!
Zombeh, perhaps. But zombie, never. :P


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