When you cut yourself... Like, across the river will just cause pain. Down the stream will kill you. I guess it's only a well-known joke in Fayetteville. That oughta tell you we have too many emos...
In Fayetteville, when someone says they're feeling emo today, you respond with either across the stream or down the river. Across the stream mean that you love them too much to see them die :D
The more I explain it, the more I see that it's not really funny to you guys...
Yeah... Our highschools have, like, at least five successful suicides every year. Eventually, you get so depressed you have to laugh. I guess that's why we have so many emo jokes. It's not really nice to joke about it but... Hey.
EDIT: Or possibly, I just know too much about emos....
We have, like, no emo kids in our town. Well, none that I know of that are actually emo enough to cut themselves. I know a couple of goth kids, and some girls with scene hair who wear black, but in all that's only like, 8 people I know of? And we had one suicide earlier this year, and that was the first I've heard of any in this town, ever.
Here you're much more likely to find a hundred pregnant teens in my school. And I hear sooo many girls talking about their 18-month-old kids, and they're in MY grade. It's so crazy. :( Other than that most of the kids here are preppy or gangsta.
Most kids in my town are chavs or farmers. The only goths, emos and scenes we have are really cheerful and awesome, they just like dressing that way. xD
I went through a very depressed phase a couple years ago. I had tons of emo friends. When I came out of it, I kept the awesome ones and ditched the fuckhats. I never posted depressing stati though...
EDIT: I love how squees can manage to spell every cuss word correctly but nothing else.
"OMG i hateeee u fuck urself jurk!!!!!"
Notice that the only recognizable word there is fuck. Interesting...
Meh, I have my weird lethargic moods where I don't have the energy to do anything but sit in my room/at my desk in school doing nothing whatsoever. It's never /depression/, just listlessness. Luckily, my best friend knows me well enough to snap me out of it. My pathetic emo phase was more me hanging around 'emo' people and wanting to fit in, so I did all that pretend-emo-bullshit for a couple of months before realising how stupid I was being.
I don't know how you can snap yourself out of a mood by deciding to be happy, though. o.O