O_O I hate them. I hate the little buggers cause they want to suck your blood, and I hate the big buggers cause they creep the hell out of me. *squeals like a little girl while cowering on top of a desk with poofy skirt clasped in hands*
>_> Of course, most bugs in general creep the hell out of me sooo... ._. I'm just a sissy. I like most of them at a distance, but they creep me out up close. T_T
*nod* I would hide under my sheets as well, cowering in fear. And I don't like their creepiness... D: but nothing deserves to die for being creepy! XD Though I can imagine your brother has oodles of fun...
I like spiders...as long as they aren't crawling around or on me. If they are... O_o death is soon to follow for their poor souls.
Back stretches work if you're under sixteen apparently. I'm willing to give it a shot. Being 5'1 forever sucks.
They do but it's not gymnastics. It's merely stretching. Gymnastics does a lot of in standing on your hands which apparently doesn't help being short. They also work out a lot which stunts growth. Doing the splits is more leg flexibility. Ballet dancers can very easily do the the splits but they're not short. At least I don't recall them being short anyways.
And in gymnastics I think being smaller is better... I think asking Ranting would be better, her being a former gymnast and all.