Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Two? Of you? o.O
Oh, jeez, what's the world going to come too. . . .:D
Yes, in the same city, imagine that.

I think in twenty years we'll be like psychopathic murders together. XDD

XDDD Fun. Win.
My friend was just whining about something, I pointed out something completely logical, and she told me to shut up.

Gah. >.<'
Doing my maths hw.

...yeah, that's totally what I'm doing right now. *nods*
Reading Encyclopedia Dramatica articles. I mean, I'm not particularly offended by it, but it's not even funny.
Question one on my Religious Studies GCSE paper: "Who do Christians believe is the Son of God?" XD Fairly sure I got an A on that one.

Also, I love people in my class. "Q: Where did Jesus go after the Ascension? A: To the pub."
I have both a doctor's appointment and a fancy-dancy banquet to attend today.

Back from day 2/4 of finals week. Easy. Again. Got four thousand some grains of rice in on FreeRice after the Business Tech exam, and the girl next to me didn't even finish. >.>

And now, I have to work on my presentation that may or may not occur tomorrow for English. I was really optimistic about it earlier. I hope I can get back into that mood. After all, the final is only worth, oh, about four hundred and fifty points. x.x

Edit: It's thundering. Hell yes. *prays for swimming to be cancelled*
Downloaded medical apps for my phone.

ilu, internet.
Medical apps?


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