Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I won't say I didn't read that as "My brother knocked Mom up" because I was scrolling too fast.

And WTF to everything else. ESPECIALLY the ex thing. Oh well. Have a nice night.
Damn, people keep friending me on TTS. Like, I've gotten 7 requests so far. I made the account a couple hours ago...

Either this is a very friendly site, or I am just a naturally attractive person who is destined to be extremely popular.

I'll go with option number two, thanks.
Yes you are. I'd say I love you, but you're like twelve and I'm not a pedophile.
*hits with frying pan*

*hits again*

*hits repetatively for about two hours*
XDD Noobs?

Or just random awesome people?
I don't know... I haven't stalked them yet. I found the antis thread... We have nerve gas. XD
Worrying. >.> My one friend- who I do like, really -is coming along for a trip to my cousins who're out-of-state. I had no say in this whatsoever. It was just...

Me: *reading manga in my room* La-di-da...
Mom: *bursts into room* :D Sara's coming with us.
Me: *looks up from manga* o.o ...What?

Does it make me a terrible person if I'm also slightly pissed about this?
No, I know what you mean.
Thank you. That makes me feel ten times better. Reassurance that I'm not in the wrong. Did the same thing ever happen to you?
Depends. Are you mad that she's coming, or just that you weren't asked first? >.>
A little of each. ._. Though I don't think she had a say in it either, but I'm not sure.
*nods* Yeah. Sometimes, family things are just supposed to be with families. And having one person around for too long gets really old, really fast. >.<'

I'm sorry. :3
*offers tea*


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