Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Yeah, it really can be. XD Before this, all we had to do was put a link to the page we used. Or if we used a book, put down the title and page numbers. That was it. It was so nice...I hate getting older.

I've been quite lovely, mildly stressed at times. But mostly lovely. :D Kittens, flowers, gumdrops, and rainbows float into my vision at random intervals, and I'm pretty sure I have A's and a high B in my classes. *nod* Yep, life is pretty sweet. What about you? Life been kind?

XDD Lovely!

I've been crazy with school and family things, but otherwise really utterly lovely, generally. :DDD
I currently have a 4.0! But we're only 16 days into school and only 3 teachers have uploaded grades, and it's just the syllabus. XDD
XD It's still a 4.0! Even if you're only 16 days into the madness. :) Be happy and proud. And life does that. Drives you insane with everything it piles on all at once. But loveliness shall shine through at the end!

*awkward cough* Hopefully...
XDDD Exactly.
*Post stalks Lamp*

It's been so long, unless you count my post stalking on FB.
Dude, I've missed you! *glomps*

How've you been? Life's treating you well? What's new?

XDD I stalk you via FB, too. *misses you*
I never post on FB, if I do I get dragged in.

I've been all right, though I have to request a program change for the winter semester from Engineering Tech into Pure and Applied Sciences so I can later go into Aerospace Engineering.

What're you going to major in?
Probably just look into completing a masters in Aerospace Physics, maybe try to get a job for NASA, since Canada has nothing noteworthy in that division, though lots apparently quite a few of NASA's engineers come from here, who knew?
Are you using Easybib?

Makes things loads easier.

And I"m pretty sure I got a lot more points from that wonderful, wonderful, site.
I had missed this advocacy earlier. But yeah, ^this.
Reread and annotated the first two acts of The Crucible. Then got sucked into Bloxorz. >.<'


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