Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I kept trying sign up on Script Frenzy once, and was freaking out that someone had the same U/N as me and I was like, "BUT THAT'S MY NAME!" When it turns out that your Nano account is the same as your Script Frenzy.
I remember that. XD I think that's actually the incidence I was referring to. XDD
No, it's someone in Australia who takes lots of pictures of kittens and stuff who sent me a llama badge and faved some of my stuff. Definitely not me.
*just finished decorating her backpack because it was too now has streamers, wind chimes, and flashing things on it*
The biggest one at the store was just plain highlighter green so of course I needed to add something. My last one was tie-dye
*just wrote a poem comparing life to spaghetti*
Oh, lets here it.
It's crap but for something I made up because I couldn't hear the radio over the vacuum cleaner it's okay. And it makes way more sense as a song but oh well I'm just going to shut up and let you read it because sadly it's the first thing I've written in a while (i've been editing)

The clock says end so I guess
Folks we're out of time
I don't know if we made it
It wasn't like a climb
Up peaks straight to the sun
And you can tell that you're won
Where you know how fast how far
You're up in the sky, you are its star
Life's like a bowl of spaghetti
That's what they mean by string theory
And it's thin limp and wet
So don't place your bet
Because there are no guarantees
No way out, because there wasn't an in
And who can tell where it stops and begins
And in this game without rules
Can you ever really win?

And they tell me with a snort
"Don't slurp - twirl your fork."
But I never cared about money
So I slurp it anyway
Because it's funny

Life's like a bowl of spaghetti
That's what they mean by string theory
And it's thin limp and wet
So don't place your bet
Because there are no guarantees
No way out, because there wasn't an in
And who can tell where it stops and begins
There's only the occasional ball of meat
So that's what everyone sets out to seek

But I'm wondering if maybe there is no answer
Just like there's no way to win The Game
Perhaps we're not racers - we're dancers
The voices are sweet even if we don't know their names
Maybe we'll never be able to escape
But we can fix the other problems with duct tape

Life's like a bowl of spaghetti
That's what they mean by string theory
And it's thin limp and wet
So don't place your bet
Because there are no guarantees
No way out, because there wasn't an in
And who can tell where it stops and begins
In this mess I can never find an end
But at least I'll have found a friend

Life's like a bowl of spaghetti
That's what they mean by string theory
And it's thin limp and wet
So don't place your bet
Because there are no guarantees
But there's still much to please
I mean, at least there's cheese
So...don't lose your meatballs if somebody should sneeze
Rawr, your poem made me lose the game. >./body>
Mwuhahaha. That's one thing i succeeded in, I guess.
Me too. D:
:D I think it'd make a lovely song. *needs needs NEEDS to put some tune to this*


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