I'm, admittedly, putting off writing because, well... one, it's been a very long time and I don't have their voices quite right yet, and two, I need to do research that I should've done a long, long time ago. I don't know fuck about raising kids!
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 4, 2009 at 1:57pm
Don't let them watch to much TV. Repeat the words you want them to learn over and over and over again. Get them to clean up their messes. Bribing your kids is not immoral unless it's money. And... that's all I've got.
Oh, yes, and illegal skills might come in handy someday. *cough*likebreakingandentering*cough*
Think about how your parents raised you. And now think from their POV, and think about everything they could've done different, better, or more efficiently - and change those aspects. No parent is perfect.
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 4, 2009 at 1:59pm
Erm... every cry means something different, but usually only the mom can tell the difference so Jeb and Roland might be SOL. But that's all I know.
Jeb's actually raised kids before, so he would know something, but, uh... dude... I'm the one writing here, and I know fuckall.
To the public library. Thank God for automated checkout, or I'd be weirdin' out the librarians. (Teenage girl checking out books on how to raise kids? Can obviously only mean one thing.) I felt filthy when I had to do pregnancy research.
Nappies. Feeding every four hours or so. First words won't appear for a /long/ while (like a year), and full sentences not for ages after that (my cousin's like 2 1/2 and can still barely speak, granted he might be a bit dumber than most). Motion is a great way to stop them crying. Driving in cars, pacing around in kitchens - not failsafe but helpful, though they'll probably start crying again as soon as you stop...
Revise: to the school library tomorrow, and to hell with the librarians giving me weird looks!
The real question is why I didn't do this research months and months ago when I was really enthusiastic about actually doing research, rather than just wingin' it.
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 4, 2009 at 2:04pm
Must be off for the night. If I get to bed early enough, I might try to finish a chapter tonight, but I don't think that'll happen. Goodnight everyone. I love you all. *waves*