*very excited* Somehow I manged nearly straight A's, I'm not sure how exactly...
God I wish I had snow *hasn't had any lately* *prays to the snow gods with you*
Blech, I know how you mean, I took a semester of Algebra 2 last year, and it was so beyond me (because technically I never took algebra 1, so I didn't know how to do half of it), It's horrible being that lost.
Yeah, it's snowing right now, but unless I pray it'll end up being not quite enough to cancel class :\
I'm just like "OK, so I know what sine, cosine, and tangent are, but... equations? Compound fractions? OH MEIN GOTT HALP D:" Yes, my "OH SHIT" mental voice speaks fangirl German. Dammit fandom. Doesn't help when I've been brain-missing for a while. (One of the many reasons my therapist is all "Yeah I think you should be on meds".)
Ha, We don't have to get that much to get school canceled, the joys of living in Cal.
Ha yeah, I know how to munch them into the calculator, and that's it... *dies* Yeah, me too, sadly it's the meds that make me like this, I'm starting to wonder if the side effects are worth it...
>< We already had snow days n shit earlier... I'm just gonna pray 'cause I don't wanna go to school *snicker*
It's just like... I was staring at the projector freaking out as he explained stuff that didn't make any fucking sense. It was just... numbers! Appearing out of nowhere! Yeah... fandom will eat your brain to death. At this point, I'm just like "Dude, if it'll help, sign me up!" ._. Fuckin hell.
I know what you mean, I could go for a snow day about now...
Yeah, actually it sounds a little more like my reaction to chemistry, the intro to chem (1st chapter in the book) was definitely not in a language I understood. I know what you mean, I think of things in fandom all the time... Yeah, that's what I thought with my headaches, I got them so severe and so often, It was like "what could be worse?", I now know that Nausea, tiredness, stomach cramps, lethargy, and depression are worse.I just can't wait for the damn side effects to pass, supposedly after 6 months they should go away...
Chem made sense. This was just... words. I was pretty sure they were English, but they slid off my brain like organ meat off Teflon.
Yeah... I'm spending too much time in Child Development squirming and restraining myself from going like "Hey, what about same-sex parenting?" because of who I am. And I have to double-restrain myself from asking like "What if the woman isn't the one carrying the kid?" because hey, newsflash, my fic isn't real. Dammit self.
I've done some side-effect research, and I'm like... if it gets me back to stability, awesome.
I'll just feel really awkward and ho-tastic talking to my counselor -- and then again, she knows that I'm terrible at math XD So she'll be amenable, I think, to my asking to transfer to the stoner math class.
It was interesting XD And I cannot do bio-related things without thinking about Jeb and snickering quietly.
My friend in said math class had a subtraction problem for homework the other day :D
True that. I spent the lecture (about how parenthood affects people) today quietly taking notes, trying not to get too nauseous, and envisioning fanart involving Jeb and Roland just being like "Yeah, we're not prepared to be parents AT ALL" because OH DEAR GOD D: