It really can't go wrong for me, though >.> If nothing romantic happens between them, all the better. If something romantic does happen, first I get the bonus of fluff between people who aren't fucking fourteen, and second I get to fit some drama into book four (and five) :D
As much as I'm a dedicated Jeb/Roland shipper... I'm open to other pairings, 'cause I know that mine will probably never happen in canon.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on January 18, 2010 at 10:17am
Yes. Asides from having Ari and Max he never seems to date. And since he's never in the damn books and Max sees him in a negative light he never seems to flirt with Roland!
edit: Holy balls why did I copy this down by hand? Also I found another chapter of "Aquarius" if you wanna see that.
If Gunther-Hagen is ter Borcht...
It would serve JP well, characterization-wise, to turn Roland/Gunther-Hagen into a creepy-gay-guy type. Given that the books are by no means highbrow fare, this would solidify Roland's status as a villain and up his evil factor quite a bit. JP comes out of it with a villain whom the audience doesn't feel as much guilt about hating (versus Jeb or Ari, who are related by blood to Max and are demonstratedly quite nice people).
*washes hands* I feel dirty after that D: Gay characters are not necessarily evil.
Although even besides that it would up the paranoia factor by quite a bit: Gunther-Hagen apparently stalks the flock. So after discovering that he and Roland are one and the same, Max would have cause to become suspicious: if the most unsubtle mad scientist can get that close to me and my flock, I can't trust anyone.
Hell, even introducing Jeb/Roland would strengthen Roland's villainous characterization -- the evil guy seduces one of the more grey-side characters.