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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I hate you for posting that. I used to play that all the time. I clicked the link and. . . grr.
I'm not going to get anything done today, now. >.>
Meebo died. I think. >.>

Or maybe that was just for me.
I saw.

I hope Jeb has more than two bloody lines. If it does, I'll buy the book. Probably. Well I won't want to burn it. And I won't hate on it so much.

And if it implies and gay-ness between Jeb or Iggy or Fang or Roland then I'll be REALLY happy.
In the books as a whole? JP is setting up something between him and Val fo sho.

Other than that, pretty much everyone who isn't Max and Fang isn't allowed to show attraction to or affection for anyone else.
I'll throw a fucking party either way, because... uh... if there's Jeb and Val I get to write fucktons of drama into RC :D
*nodnod* I understand.

It really can't go wrong for me, though >.> If nothing romantic happens between them, all the better. If something romantic does happen, first I get the bonus of fluff between people who aren't fucking fourteen, and second I get to fit some drama into book four (and five) :D

As much as I'm a dedicated Jeb/Roland shipper... I'm open to other pairings, 'cause I know that mine will probably never happen in canon.
Yes. Asides from having Ari and Max he never seems to date. And since he's never in the damn books and Max sees him in a negative light he never seems to flirt with Roland!
They're attached at the friggin' hip during book three ._. If you see Jeb somewhere, ter Borcht is about five pages behind him.
I figure that was him being a spaz, but hey, now we have two characters he hasn't messed with too much :D

Also re. gay romance plot, somewhere I have a write-up for why JP should've changed FANG around to fit in some Jeb/Roland.
I'm looking for it right now.

edit: Holy balls why did I copy this down by hand? Also I found another chapter of "Aquarius" if you wanna see that.

If Gunther-Hagen is ter Borcht...

It would serve JP well, characterization-wise, to turn Roland/Gunther-Hagen into a creepy-gay-guy type. Given that the books are by no means highbrow fare, this would solidify Roland's status as a villain and up his evil factor quite a bit. JP comes out of it with a villain whom the audience doesn't feel as much guilt about hating (versus Jeb or Ari, who are related by blood to Max and are demonstratedly quite nice people).

*washes hands* I feel dirty after that D: Gay characters are not necessarily evil.

Although even besides that it would up the paranoia factor by quite a bit: Gunther-Hagen apparently stalks the flock. So after discovering that he and Roland are one and the same, Max would have cause to become suspicious: if the most unsubtle mad scientist can get that close to me and my flock, I can't trust anyone.

Hell, even introducing Jeb/Roland would strengthen Roland's villainous characterization -- the evil guy seduces one of the more grey-side characters.
That is so cute <3
Quick question: Would you say one experiences hamartia, suffers from hamartia, or displays hamartia?


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