For real. My reaction to pretty much any non-British accent is vaguely this: SQUEEEEAAAAAL!!! And I'm adding the Midwest to places in America I have to visit.
I lovelovelove you for doing the Southern accent. I am eternally in your debt.
In about a year I'll laugh hysterically whenever I see the eight trillion copies of FANG sitting on the shelf untouched. Which is what happened with the Harry Potter books -- we have, oh, half a bookcase's worth of them chillin' at the library. Or we did last time I checked. Goddamn fangirls.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on February 7, 2010 at 9:00am
My tiny library alone has four copies of MAX. That's not even the entire library system within my city.
Yeah, smart.
We have a bunch of old beaten up, Angel books too. I dunno if anyone actually read those or what... Harry Potter is actually doing pretty good.I've only seen like two of them.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on February 7, 2010 at 9:03am
It has good book taste.
If we get anymore copies of Twilight, we will DIE. There is four pages worth of books on just Twilight. Just the first book. HP wasn't even that bad. v.v
Between every library in the district, we have all the books and both manga. And someone got Daniel X -- I'm afraid to see if they got Witch and Wizard too.
Hahaha! So this means I'll actually know what happens before you guys? Wow... I still feel so noobish. I only joined MDW like 2 or 3 weeks after Max came out, and then as a crazy squee.