Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm not.... oh damn, yes I am. If somebody says something incorrect about technology, I'll jump on them in an instant.

But I'm even more passionate about.... well, here. Everything that's gone on in this fandom. I love/hate it here. It's an interesting thing to explain...
Everythings boring in 7th grade to.
-Wants to do this too-

Only knowing my teacher we'll never do anything cool like that. D:
My teacher.... might. It's worth a shot. If not, I'll just use this as a topic for one of my short stories for class. ('Cause, you know, this is totally fiction...)
Ugh, my teacher calls us dumbasses in very class. He doesn't say it out loud but it's implied. It's very nice.

We're still on "How to Make A Paragraph, Stupid Idiots" stage.I'm a little skeptical on actually writing something longer than a paragraph. If not I might do it for Health. We might stumble upon something like this.
Yeah, but I can't present a sermon in front of the class about it. It would kill my rep if they knew I was such a nerd...Plus it's not really controversial enough...
You just got that Tom Petty song stuck in my head.
*is so BSing through this sermon nonsense*
I hate essays were I have to know things...I love being able to make shit up. ^.^
When I have to use quotes I just open the book and pick one, usually they don't make sense...
'Night guys.
Night. At 8:30?


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