Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*nod* Tis awful.
Oh my god. I love it. I'm keeping a copy of my hate thread forever. I laughed so loud my parents asked me if I was okay XD
Time for me to go to choir practice! Yay.
Bye bye.
I'm going to head off for the night.

Got a giant history test tomorrow, and I'm slightly less than prepared for it. *sigh*

I also have a project I should be working on, a story that I need to start, and a roleplay to begin. Too much work. Not enough time. D:

Talk to you all tomorrow afternoon.
Can y'all do me a really big favour?

Can you tell me what you think of my short story? Everyone I talk to isn't on right now due to school and I want to get some critique.
*sigh* A Shrove Tuesday without any pancakes. It's just not the same. And I should probably figure out what I'm giving up for Lent, since I need to know before tomorrow...
Do you do that in Aussieland? I thought it was more a UK thing.

*points to my lovely new blog* *is now, officially, leaving this place come Wendsday, PST*
No idea what you'll give up?
Well... I thought it was just a Catholic thing (well, actually, I thought it was a Christian thing, but apparently not so much..), but Australia got /a lot/ of it's cultural stuff from England, so that'd make sense too...

And no. I'll probably just be lazy and give up chocolate or something...
No, it's more specific to the UK/everywhere BUT the US. XD


One of my mates, when I was trying to decide was all 'lolz, why don't you leik give up tea?' *takes tea from hand* (This is before 7am, too >.<') You'd DIIIIIEEEE' >.<' No kidding.
Any reason it's not big in the US?

*couldn't imagine going 40 days without tea* *would probably die* But coffee could work, actually, and I probably have that more often than chocolate...
I'm off for the night. Goodnight everyone. I probably won't see you at all tomorrow. *waves* Text me if you need me, otherwise I'll see you Wednesday.


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