Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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The book I want to read. :D

Only it's a picture book...
XD I've read that. It made me laugh.
:D That sounds amazing. *wants to read it*

Oh my god, there's a sequel.

Must. Have.
*has read the sequel*

'Tis very good :D

*hasn't actually read the original though*

Also, Xuut. Hai!
XD -Does that a lot. Much too often actually-

Oh hai Flying!

It's not the weekend and you're here. Yay! Rather late for me though.
What time is it for you? 10:30 over here.
11.30 for Xuut.
k, thanks.
Well, I figure it's even more forgivable than normal 'cause it's not exactly a narrative story...


Well, I usually check in after school. Just normally I wouldn't be able to get on for another couple of hours. We had an early finish today.
Yes, the fact that there is no plot probably helps too.

Oooh. Makes sense. Early finished days are wonderful.
XD An awful lot.

Oh, yes ^^

So, how've you been?


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