Feel better soon, hon. And sorry about your sister. Can you not just shut the window? Be all sick and authoritative? I s'pose locking people out of their room's after midnight is frowned upon...
*nods* Good. You don't need to get even sicker because some idiot decided to open a window in the middle of the night during a Canadian Winter.
XD After three, four months you're still waiting? I think at this stage you either have to just make her do it, or fix it yourself. But imagine the ability to lock her out would be incredibly useful.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on February 21, 2010 at 3:18pm
Actually this Canadian winter is pretty fail. I'm almost positive we're in the like -5 C- 5 C temperature range here which is waaay warm. But it gets cold in the room that enjoys screwing around with the temperatures.
Oh well I'm not allowed to touch the door knob. I tried to install it after a month of moving in here and she yelled at me and told me that I'd break the door. XD Plus we only have one key because I lost mine... after three months of not using it. Which is totally forgivable.