Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*nod* It makes me think about how many multitudes of people there are like her...*shivers*

I'm not going to involve myself. As pissed as I am, I figure two things. 1) When I argue, I become an insane babbling idiot. I just can't argue properly. Then later on I usually figure out what I should've said. 2) That'll just give Vampire lover more joy. >.> I figure that she's getting a rush out of insulting anything that isn't accepted in her interpretation of Christianity and having intelligent replies she can completely ignore.

Edit: Not to mention, just being an overall bitch. :|
Replies were closed before I got a chance to look at it....

But, eh, most of the stuff I would've said was covered, and probably more eloquently than I could hope to manage, by others. And she didn't pay any attention to them, so...
Yeah, she completely dismissed their real points. I hate it when people are so idiotic and narrow-minded. Then they go and act as if their word is law. >.> Preaching about what God will and won't accept like she's hearing him say it right this second. Really, I wish I could meet her and punch her right in the jaw.
I don't think anything is going to happen...
Gotta go.

Night guys.
Nighty night.
Nighty night.
Late-ish, but

One of my friends is being creeped upon on Facebook. O.o
I'm ticked at the mods. That girl needs to be banned. NOW.


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