Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Did it fall asleep?

THERE IS RAIN!!! I luff this weather. :)
*was just about to squee about this* >.>



And now the snow must fail as hard as it can fail. :l I HATE the snow.
Because of my charger breaking, I can't play Pokemon anymore. >.> The car charger works, so I know the DS is okay, but I only get to charge it 10 minutes a day. At least the red light matches the color of my DS.

Get some sleep! I have homework to do, anyway.
Teaching myself how to ride a Ripstik. This is fun!! and painful. Owchy owch owww...

I can now ride in a wobbly line... but I have scrapes on my hands and bruises on my knee, thigh, and ankle, and steering is REALLY HARD. XD
Just got Demon Seed by Dean Koontz in the mail.

Because, you know, interesting as Trial and Death of Socrates is, it doesn't beat sci-fi thrillers.
Scratch that. I'm done with that too.

I need to find a longer book.
It's 1580 pages long, and not even all of that is text. At that rate, I'll have finished the series in a single devoted weekend.

For Koontz's book, an adult book, I was reading at an approximate rate of 100 pages per hour. For FANG, a YA book, it was upwards of 130 pages per hour. At the YA rate, I'd be done the entire Uglies series in a bit over 12 hours.
No spring break?
April 16th?? That's, like, a month after spring starts. xD

Why did you have a week off in Feb.?


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