And as for other books, I won't go into a very long list. But the ones that come to mind as current favorites would be all that I've read of the Demonata series (I'm about to read book 6), entire Cirque Du Freak series, all the Percy Jackson and The Olympians that I've read so far (about to read book 4), and Lord of the Flies.
Hmmm....Saving The World and Other Extreme Sports, FANG, MAX, Angel Experiment, The Final Warning.
I've heard of everything besides the Demonata series. I read 1 and 2 or Percy Jackson and then lost interest....A lot of kids in my classes read the Cirque Du Freak series....Lord of the Flies I can't remember where but I've heard/seen it somewhere.
Well then, I agreed with most of your review. Especially about Iggy's retaliation against Max. I was cheering him on to escalate into a screaming match. He's never paid any attention to in the books, and it's pretty annoying since he's a great character. And also about the Erasers just showing up for a brief moment like "Hi there, we still exist, bye! :D". Whenever they showed up, I expected them to be in most of the fights from then until the end. So I was really disappointed about them not being involved at all after their short reintroduction.
As for the book itself, I was pretty happy with it. Max annoyed me throughout the entire book, and Dylan didn't play as big a role as I hoped. Also reminding people of Max randomly seeing herself as an Eraser that didn't get anywhere nor made any sense kind of annoyed me. But maybe it's foreshadowing that I'm not getting. Angel, Jeb, and Iggy were the three characters I was the most pleased with. Angel may be sort of insane-seeming, but she's a better leader than I expected. Jeb getting shot was certainly interesting, and I liked how it impacted Max. Like she was actually regretful about not making amends. The feeling quickly faded, but it was there for a moment. Like the Erasers. And then, like I've said, Iggy's standing against Max was so needed and awesome. Fang leaving at the you said, will that really help at all? Personally I think it's just to heighten drama and whatnot. Y'know because whenever someone I love runs away to protect our family and keep us out of danger, I'd really just listen to him and kick back. Wait and see if I ever cross paths with him again. Especially if my name is Maximum Ride. Most definitely.
Oh yeah, and Fang dying. For about three or four chapters. XD I'm on a roll, so I'm not stopping yet.
Really now? She stabs him in the heart with Adrenaline, and that brings him back to life? Is that, in any way, actually plausible? If it is, then I won't be so angry about it. But just how it came across to
"Fang: I'm going to die for a few minutes! *heart stops*
Flock: Snifflecrysob!
Max: This may or may not work with my lover's life in the balance! *stabs with Adrenaline*
Fang: I'm suddenly a-okay!
Everyone: Hurray!
Myself: ...You've gotta be kidding me."
Just...jeez. Of course that's what'd happen. But I think I'll stop here.
It can work, but only if the person is fading, not already dead, As Fang was already dead, it only worked out of Lover's Convenience--where love conquers physics, and I am truly surprised that Fang could have been without circulation for over two minutes and not suffered any brain damage.