Indeed. I was looking forward to just being with my family and having my all friends back home. But then I find out one's coming along. This is also the same person I've spent practically three entire summers with. She can become straining in less than twelve hours together... T_T
D: Yeah, see, that's one of the reasons I'm glad that I'm doing so much this summer with so many different people. It's not fun spending every day with one person.
Why did your mother decide to invite her along, then?
T_T I time it wasn't even summer, and I had plans with just me and my other friend to go to the mall. Then my one friend's mom has somewhere to go and wanted my friend to stay over at my house. I already had plans, and then she's thrown in without me getting a say in it. It pissed me off so bad >./s> She has no idea I sometimes have issues with her...