Hmmm...I suppose I get the idea. It has changed. And it does make sense. But was this becoming obvious that it was coming, and I didn't notice because I've been getting on infrequently?
Scroll down to the bottom of the MDW homepage. Patterson apparently co-wrote a book titled Med Head: A knocked-down, drag-out drugged up battle with my brain.
May as well go for a vote, how many of you think it's autobiographical?
Always ask Google first. JP put the thrillery spin on a book about a dude called Cory Friedman who has OCD and Tourette's.
Which, no, is not just compulsive swearing, and I might have to kill the next person who thinks it is. Tourette's is about tics. Swearing can be one of them.
Apparently this same dude was also the star of Against Medical Advice, which Patterson wrote the other year.
Tis okay love, we won't object to you getting engaged young, but, we can be relatively sure you're perfect together. Most of the time when people who are very young get engaged, well... it's thought they're way too young to know what they want in their life, and should graduate uni before even considering getting married.