I'm only a little ways into SOF as of right now, but when I'm done I will have vital statistics on at least a few characters -- Max in specific I'll have DOB, eye color, hair color, height, weight...
You know how sometimes you know something is going to be a trainwreck but out of curiosity you have to experience it for yourself just to be sure? Just like sucking on a lemon, so is Jersey Shore. And I thought people were exaggerating that Snooki character. o.o
Things I knew about Snooki: famous, orange, famous for being orange and on a show called Jersey Shore.
Things I now know about Snooki: can be easily described by three words; boobs, orange, STFU.
EDIT: It's not like I was staring at her boobs, but she definitely has 'em and enjoys wearing the flimsy bikini tops like the, err, less fortunate girls. The entire effect is like WOW.