Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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To confirm, what year was Max born?
Max is at least fourteen and a half in May 2005, so she was born late in 1990.

edit: May. I meant May.
Thanks. I was writing a transcript for ter Borcht giving Max an exam. When I get the chance to record this, it will be really cool.
Brilliant :D
Wasting a Friday night compiling a MR timeline.

Do I have other work to be doing? Yes.

Is it much less fun than this? Fuck yes.
Can't wait to see it.
I'm only a little ways into SOF as of right now, but when I'm done I will have vital statistics on at least a few characters -- Max in specific I'll have DOB, eye color, hair color, height, weight...
Hair colors, you mean.

But yeah, that sounds awesome.
I see what you did there :> But yes. I'll probably do a separate tally of Max's recorded hair colors.
Tonight I watched Jersey Shore.

You know how sometimes you know something is going to be a trainwreck but out of curiosity you have to experience it for yourself just to be sure? Just like sucking on a lemon, so is Jersey Shore. And I thought people were exaggerating that Snooki character. o.o
The only thing I know about Snooki: tiny, orange, Bumpit hair, got punched in a bar maybe.
Things I knew about Snooki: famous, orange, famous for being orange and on a show called Jersey Shore.

Things I now know about Snooki: can be easily described by three words; boobs, orange, STFU.

EDIT: It's not like I was staring at her boobs, but she definitely has 'em and enjoys wearing the flimsy bikini tops like the, err, less fortunate girls. The entire effect is like WOW.


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