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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm applying too... I honestly don't know anything about it. I just know I sure as hell better get more of them so I can afford to even go. -_-

And the other thing about the other side of the country... I know if I get a state scholarship like the SC HOPE, LIFE, or Palmetto Fellows Scholarships, then they only work in this state and I couldn't use them to go to SCAD, which is only in Georgia. >_<'

From what I've seen there's quite a few. Have you tried this one yet?

It's writing an essay for a quote by some guy. They're not too bad actually and it can be for any institution of your choice so as long as it's post secondary. 

That site hasn't been updated since at least 2010.

Also they're about god and stuff...

It was up on the Canadian Scholarships site so I figured it was legit. 

There's some that aren't. They're not awful, just not very... creative.

I feel like shit!





Then you'll be happy to know that your Celeste is the MegaVillain theory is still alive and well on MDW.


I have a frozen moro bar.


Still incredulous that Congress declared Pizza a vegetable due to the ammount of tomato paste in it, but I don't know if I should be more incredulous because:
A) Congress is stupid enough to declare something like this.


B) Tomatoes are a type of fruit.

I had a pepperoni pizza yesterday.


It had meat on it.


But it was still a vegetable.


Go vegetarianism!


Oh, and pass the ketchup, would you?

I thought about having vegetables for dinner.

Then I relised I don't live in the states, and so can't claim my pizza as veges.

C) Our government really is run entirely through lobbying money. They're not stupid, just greedy and self-interested.

Also, re: B - most "vegetables" that most people consider vegetables are scientifically classified as fruits. 


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