Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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There are pages on my Tumblr dash that are literally only gifs/photosets from The Hobbit trailer.

And I don't mind.

4.0 Semester GPA

They're making a film adaptation of the Les Mis musical.

There's a trailer out for P. Jackson's film adaptation of the Hobbit.

Barely been awake for 20 minutes and already day=made.

I feel the need to go see the Les Mis musical film adaptation. Which makes me feel really nerdy.

Put up the Christmas Tree.

Hay's been made.

I get to see a spitty fly in about two hours.

Cake. And

Aunt, Uncle and Grandfather arrive tomorrow.

So, me and End are having good days. Anyone else?

Sitting in front of the computer with the heater on :|

I'm downloading and watching 6th series Doctor Who and wandering about the house muttering because I can't find a part of the vacuum that I need.

So pretty good, yeah.

Spitty display was verreh naice.

also went for a swim.

I just helped Scott ghetto-rig my Xbox cord with a mini screwdriver and some tape so I can use the HDMI cable and my stereo headset at the same time without buying a $50 cable for it. Woo, hard-modding! :D

The mods are so slow. 

Only one violation, days after it happened? Please. There used to be days when you were on my ass seconds after it happened. 

In texas visiting my grandmother.


Got Skyrim the day before I left.


Meaning my Christian friends get to play Skyrim past the first dungeon before I do.


On the plus side, it's damn relaxing down here.




Chappy Channukah, to all my Jewish chomies. And to everyone else, chave some chappy cholidays.

Hey, chag sameach to you too!

Also, you got Skyrim? See you in April then!



You'll still have me 'til the thirty-first, when I head back home.


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