Yesterday, I made my status "dislikes control freaks, people who insist on getting their way with everything, and people who have a condescendingly sweet attitude to deceive those who actually have an edge over them. Not that it matters what I think, though." Referring indirectly to his girlfriend who we live with.
He asked what it was about, I just shrugged and walked away.
Later, my aunt who holds the same opinion of the girl as I do, commented on it. He saw this. I think we've made a point. I hope it does something.
Some people I know in RL discovered my FB, so I might have to make a new account to refriend everyone here ._.;; Because God knows I'll start talking about gay fanfic someday and instantly alienate all the RL weirdies...
*laughs* Lamp and I were talking about NaNo/fic/fandom on one of my RL profile's statues, and the next day I had a girl in my English class having me explain what Jeb/Roland, Figgy and Edge were. And she's read MR, so she was even more *weird* about it.
I'm just grateful that the only things showing on my profile right now are some incredi-boring ramblings about oh shit I am behind on NaNo / yay plot are work.
*giggles* Will do. Especially since, I don't /actually/ know her, other than "the girl who lurks on my FB" and she doesn't actually know me other than "the girl who talks about gay people in MR."