Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm eating Milka and working on Photoshop. x3
Milka is really creamy milk chocolate *drools* I think thay make it in Switzerland or somewhere tasty.

Yep xD
Haha. I went on a school trip to Belgium and there was this awesome chocolate shop. I spent 10 euros and came back with literally bags of the stuff.
Facebook: My new favorite way of making a point. I don't really hate it that my dad's on FB anymore.
Facebook status: My new favourite way of shamelessly plugging stuff I'm involved in xP

Yesterday, I made my status "dislikes control freaks, people who insist on getting their way with everything, and people who have a condescendingly sweet attitude to deceive those who actually have an edge over them. Not that it matters what I think, though." Referring indirectly to his girlfriend who we live with.

He asked what it was about, I just shrugged and walked away.

Later, my aunt who holds the same opinion of the girl as I do, commented on it. He saw this. I think we've made a point. I hope it does something.
Some people I know in RL discovered my FB, so I might have to make a new account to refriend everyone here ._.;; Because God knows I'll start talking about gay fanfic someday and instantly alienate all the RL weirdies...
*laughs* Lamp and I were talking about NaNo/fic/fandom on one of my RL profile's statues, and the next day I had a girl in my English class having me explain what Jeb/Roland, Figgy and Edge were. And she's read MR, so she was even more *weird* about it.
XD Ahahaha. What did she have to say?

I'm just grateful that the only things showing on my profile right now are some incredi-boring ramblings about oh shit I am behind on NaNo / yay plot are work.
XD Just the usual "what is that?" and then "who is Roland?" and "oh, him! Ew!" >.>

>.> Feel free to tell her that the kind of arrogant girl who came up with that one is highly amused by that reaction XD
*giggles* Will do. Especially since, I don't /actually/ know her, other than "the girl who lurks on my FB" and she doesn't actually know me other than "the girl who talks about gay people in MR."


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