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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

(I would like to take this excelent opprotunity to thank both Z and Nathan for legalizing foul language on this site. It really helps me to get my point across in the following article)


The book reads like some of the worst fanfics I've read-- constantly swttching and labeled POVs, events that speed along without taking time for description, and good god, the plot...

Apparenly the ones who are the ones are a group of people who PROMOTE LAW, LOGIC, AND SCIENCE, and oppose things like extensive creativity and lazyness, in addition to magic.

Gee, remove the creativity aspect, and I'd want to be friends with these guys.

Speaking of which, they introduce this antagonist, Byron, who was so much of a copy of Ari that I had no choice but to gag. He's a pretty funny and cliche bad guy, but the fact that it's so much of a recycled character, he even is introduced in a near-identical way to Ari.

And then come the powers. Essentially, it's like MR without wings, and yet the powers just show up randomly, and the characters can't focus them. And the badguys, true to form, are sending tough guys to deal with people that light on fire, and shoot electricity out of their hands. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

They are even dragged off to a school-like place.

And then, when you thought they weren't dumb enough, their parents give them 'a drumstick and an old book' to someone who have been called a Witch and Wizard. The kids naturally:
"Huh? WTH" (<---- Yes, JP writes 'WTH')
To which I shout:
"It's a wand and a spellbook you fricking imbeciles!"

In short, I'm not going to read this one to the end. It's going to replace Harry Potter? Yeah right. This couldn't replace Mickey Mouse's little act in Fantaisa, mmuch less something designed for the much more intelligent middle-to-high school mind.

In reading this though, I can't help but wonder as to if MR6 will have a similar style. If it does (and I pray it doesn't) I will be very, very pissed.

(And to the dear mods from MDW who lurk on this site, don't worry, I won't be reposting this there)

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WTH?????? honestly, how retarded does JP expect us to be?

Not that I was planning on reading it anyway, but this just adds the reasons not to waste my life on it.
It's better than Dan X in premise, I'll give it that. Witch and Wizard versus people who hate magic above all else - not bad. could be good.

But Wisty is a prejudiced whiny little bitch-max-clone who I want to strangle, and Whit is just thick. You can just see Max and Fang in there. I liked Byron (confession!), until he turned into some horrible suckup. Dude, Wisty having to cart around a snarky soul-destroying weasel who hates her would have been wicked.

Characters just randomly jump in and out with no explanation. Celia? The One Who Is The One? The entire plot makes no sense TBH. It starts off all normal life 'our world', and then all of a sudden magic and witchcraft are common and hated. ??

There's prophecy, and kid-power, and supa speshul abilities. Smush up MR and DX and you got WW.
Prophecy, heh? It doesn't happen to be recorded in a glass orb, does it?
As soon as "The One who is the One" was mentioned in the preview thing I read I stopped, laughed and left. Most pathetic, redundant, desperate grapple for a character title ever.
Many important brain cells died when I read the first chapters.*misses the brain cells*
*understands* I feel the same way about Final Warning. I'm glad I read the first few chapters online before I considered buying it, they gave me enough of a taste to see it wasn't book worth buying.
I have to admit, I am incredibly guilty when it comes to switching POVs. I like looking at things from different perspectives. But they were badly handled in the bits I read.

I'm going to bed now. See you tomorrow.
I haven't read it yet. But...

Oh dear god.

I thought the Prologue was pure crap. I've read terrible fanfiction better than that junk. I never wasted my money on any MR book (Except the fifth one which will provide great entertainment when I burn it) and I'm certainly not intent on buying this book.

Time to wiki it!

Edit: So wait, let me get this straight. She doesn't like her readheaded-ness and after going in her little flame form too long.... she gets auburn hair?


Someone please, please, please just kill JP already. Or at least make him co-author someone with some talent.
If he kills Fang it shouldn't be too hard to convince some of the squees to do it for us.
Ah yes, the squees are insane, it'd be easy.

I wonder how many live close to JP....
That kinda makes me want to die. what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

Labeled POV... the only time I approved of it was in one of the Animorphs books, which was narrated by all six protagonists.

This got complex.

It still wasn't labeled POV so much as it was chapters titled with the name of whoever was narrating, but... man...

Dude, if cursing wasn't allowed here I wouldn't be able to post >.>
I wasn't going to get it any way but now I am strangely tempted to read it.......... Not even I understand my mind.


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