Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Not quite as they used to be, but still prominent on MDW.

What is an Anti?
The category “Anti” is derived from the prefix “anti-“ which means against. Antis, or Anti-fans, are people who love some of the concepts posed by the series, but hate the direction that Patterson took the series and the fans who follow this direction mindlessly.

Why so mean?
Antis have received the stereotype of being "mean" due to the ferocity with which they go after debatable topics, and the way they used to address the person they were replying to directly. In truth, once you understand them and can talk to them on their level, one discovers that they are a friendly tight-knit group of people.

Why do a lot of them support Figgy?
The whole Fang-Iggy thing is more of a smile towards something that would be funny if it did happen, but likely wouldn't... Like as if in the middle of the next Twilight movie everyone burst out into song Broadway-style. It is also an attempt at showing normal fans how the commentary on Fax appears as being annoying to them.
Jeb/Roland (ter Borcht) is another match-up Antis are famous for, and follows the same reasoning.

Are there things I can do to reduce the number of Antis that come after me?

Yes, actually.
1) Use your best spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Never use text-speak.
2) Don’t over emphasize anything unless you are making a life-shattering announcement. This means that you should never write more than three consecutive words in bold, italics, underlined, or all uppercase letters. Same goes for more than three consecutive exclamation points.
3) Check your questions and comments to see if they’ve already been made/answered. There is a search bar at the top right corner of the site page with the words "Search Social Network" in it to assist you with this.
4) Think your posts through before posting. Back up your point with evidence. It doesn’t have to be a five paragraph essay, but one or two sentences should do.
5) Never use swear words. They have been a topic of great pain to the Antis due to related bannings. The Moderators don't like swear words either.

If they don't like it, why are they here?
Again, most Antis do like some aspect of the series (mention Jeb to one and watch what happens). Also many have friends on the site that they are reluctant to give up.

Do they ever get along well with anyone at the start?
Yes, namely Sanes or anyone who promotes a subject they agree to (positives of Jeb and ter Brocht, etc)

No, I don't think I'm going to mention past history. Anyone have anything else to add?

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I just want it mentioned that 1. It's an opinion of the book NOT a behaviour. 2. The stereotypical behavior mentioned and then shown it's a sterotype 3. That they're friends with the Sanes.

I'm not sure if you're including history and politics and whatnot. If you're not going to, than I don't think specifically anyone should be mentioned. I'm ticked that randoms pretend to remember Nathan. It's amazing she's remembered and still present there under her original u/n that way, but it's getting out of hand, imao.

I'd adore if you put up the original in a blog and then linked it or something. Too, if you mentioned that we aren't just random people who go about bashing. We're people who really care and help provide balance to the site.

However, this should probably be written by those who have legit accounts on MX who have yet to be banned.

I think you could pretty much do some editing to Antis 101 and just post that for this one, with emphasis on what Lamp said. :D
If you're in need of anything from Anti Love, I have that saved somewhere >.>

I loved this:
Again, most Antis do like some aspect of the series (mention Jeb to one and watch what happens). Win.
That's great! :D
"Mention Jeb to one and watch what happens"



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