Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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That's interesting...


Haha, that'll only come in handy if I get rich and famous one day. (Not that it wouldn't be awfully nice if that were to happen...)

That's why I want it. XD

Hahaha... I'll have to do that then. XD

EDIT- Oh, there is one already... That absolutely horrible old anime drawing I did of you, nathan, Tally, EndOf and I... XD

It's not signed . . . 

*needs early autograph*

And we're still here!

So how have you been?

I mean, you do actually show up on my FB feed, but still.

FB just hates me.  It really only bothers with the 5 same people and then 2 randoms at a time.
I have plenty of people who don't show up in my news feed. Like Kayte. But FB is usually pretty good for me. But I have less than 80 friends, so that helps.

I've been great! Well, kind of bored and uninspired lately, but great nonetheless... XD 

Well, that's wonderful to hear. I mean, not the bored and uninspired bit. But the great part.

Yes, my artwork is a bit lacking lately, but that's probably just from summer and ADD and everything. Meh.


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