Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Just watched most of the UK Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Premiere and cried my eyes out every time Jo Rowling spoke. 

I don't know if anyone will ever understand my obsession, but that's okay with me.

And I missed Darren Criss. D:

EDIT -  Ahahahaha... 

Darren Criss is much yummier live in concert than he is on Glee or in VPM. Cameras do not do him justice.

I'm not surprised... That always happens with cute celebrities. Believe me, I've seen Gerard Way and Billie Joe Armstrong in person. XD

I'm jealous you got to see Darren IRL though. D:

The Glee concert converted me to Blaine fandom. I wasn't too interested in him beforehand.
XD I saw AVPM before I ever started watching Glee. Then I had no warning that he was going to be on the show. When he came on there were a few screams from my side of the couch... XD
I feel like my mood swings are absolutely ridiculous. Even for a hormonal teenage girl.

I have made a discovery.


I'm an asshole.


Presumably, at least. Roughly 100% of all kids with aspergers I've encountered in the past two weeks have all been total assholes. I have aspergers. Assuming I'm not some anomaly, I thus am an asshole.



You're discounting 99% of the variables that go into making someone an asshole.

So no.
Actually, I'm mostly just ranting about what Assholes all the people around me are.

Ben Folds concert next week. o.o Want to go.


Do not want to go alone. 

Do not know anyone else who's a fan.


God damn it.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm a masochist. 


I wake up at 4 to do homework... For bonus marks. 




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