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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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It got Pierre Arronax from 20,000 Leagues on the second try (guessed Vic. Frankenstein first).


Catherine Halsey from the Halo Franchise also took two guesses.

And F'lar, in two guesses.


I need to either pick a more obsucre work, or a more obscure character.

Beat him using David Gerrold.
No shit?
I honestly don't know anyone who still reads McCaffrey books other than myself.

After predominantly using characters from popular adolescent fiction, I changed it up and picked Telemachos from the Odyssey.

Finally stumped it, it ended up guessing Odysseus.

He didn't get Diomedes either. He guessed Achilles.

It cheats.


Surely it's not allowed to ask 'Is it part of this series?' 'Is it the main character?'


Yes, it got the answer, but anyone who read a blurb could do as much >.>

Snookered that fucker with the security chief from Bioshock.


Edit: However, it did guess that I was somewhere in the Bioshock ballpark -- the suggested answers at the end included Suchong, a Big Daddy, Fontaine, Mark Meltzer, Andrew Ryan, and Steinman.

Pottermore is up. Password is 420. Just made one for my friend. She better be happy and like the username, because she's still asleep and I had to pick it. Oh well.

Good for you!


Wow, I miss everything... >>

I got to see Streetlight Manifesto last night, though. :D Reel Big Fish was supposed to be there too, but they had to cancel because the singer had an emergency surgery the night before. It was still one of the most exciting shows I've been to, mostly because I spent the entire time in the actual mosh pit for the first time. :D Ska is fun.


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