Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Hmm... that might be interesting.

It's something I noticed a few months ago, and, simply, anything that would help us stick together as a community is a good thing. Since MR is a dead stick, from the looks of things, MC seems a good fallback option.


Though, to go on SMP I think I still need to buy the legal version. I'll look into it. In the meantime, I may put up a screenshot thread later today/tonight.

If you do I could start contributing things. I'm a terrible player but hey.
I was/am, but at the moment am busy with homework. Haven't played in a few weeks.

Didn't know you could butch a song in such a way. I mean, it wasn't that good to begin with but aren't you people professionals? So off from the original and it sounds so wrong...

Were you watching Glee? :3

No. Although I retract anything I have said about Glee before. Half of season one was decent, the rest can go die in a dark pit much like most of the sequels to good movies. 


I was watching Dancing With the Stars and they have their own musicians do the music apparently and it makes me want to cry. It's worse than Glee, but at least we don't see them dance and sing. 


Out of all things why would you watch that train wreck?

>.> I heard that a band I liked had a song on there (I'm a sucker for crappy pop songs) and I didn't know it could get worse


Then I heard the Sara Bareillies song. -Shudder- It was such a nice song too...

I felt inspired this afternoon.


The musical version as to my opinion on Fang's character, written and performed by myself, to the tune of Modern Major General from Pirates of Penzance (though you're probably more familliar with Tom Lehrer's Elements song).

This... I don't think there are words to describe how awesome that is. Please post the lyrics so we might also sing it.



"Modern Y.A. love interest"


To the tune of "Modern Major General" from Pirates of Penzance


He is the very model of a modern Y.A. love interest,
With many special qualities and such as I’m about to list,

He is the sort to run up taking all the fan girls by the wrist

And introduces meanies and antagonizers to his fist

He is the sort the author takes a dozen hours to detail

As muscular and lacking any little fashion fault or fail

You could say that his character’s spe-ci-fi-cal-ly on-a-rail

Because we’ve seen his type before in every Y.A. fairly tale.


So when we look at novels by the author known as Patterson

Fang’s character is sitting as the normal type of ad-di-tion

With many special qualities as those as I have gone to list

He is the very model of a modern Y.A. love interest.

Fang is the kind of sort that all current interests need to be

And sets a great example when he leaves max oh repeatedly

And on a reg-lar basis only thinks of all the things that he

Will get from all the time he steals from Max when she could always be

Working on the plot which has been missing since about  book three

Or fig-ring out the things that Angel tries to make her go and see

And otherwise not flooded with all of this Faxness goop and glee

Which despite a hundred readings doesn’t make a word of sense to me.


So maybe when his character development is worth a dime

I guess I’ll stop and  think that Fang’s a character that’s worth my time

But ‘til then all the reasons that I’ve taken time to go and list

Will make him quite the model of the modern Y.A. love interest.



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