Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Since I know at least a quarter of you are on Minecraft, I thought it would be interesting to compare creations and stuff.


Here's something to start with:

This is that 20's era cruise liner some of you heard me talking about on facebook. The almost entire thing was made by hand with harvested wood planks for the decks and cooked cobblestone for the hull. The only thing not made by hand was the white bits, because iron looks better than cotton (and is less flamible), that I got though an inventory hack.


Anyone else? I'd love to compare creations and construction notes.

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I can't build for shit. Currently I'm in a mine, lost, trying to find where I died so I can pick up some of my items.


I'm shit at Minecraft.


edit: since fucking when does img code not work

There are a few tactics I use for mine exploration:

1) Torches everywhere. Seriously. It's important. Even in lit caves with lava lakes.

2) To-do markers:

   a) Block up fully searched tunnels with cobblestone.

   b) Block up tunnels that split into many other tunnels with wood planks.

3) Bring a compass and glance at it now and again.

4) Mark passages to surface with redundant or redstone torches.


It isn't a cure-all, but it helps 94% of the time.

1) I place torches quite a bit.


2) I'll try that.


3) Haven't made one yet :\



Heh, I build houses and stuff. My friend and I tried to start building Hogwarts once... It didn't end well. 

Working on getting a premium account so I can join some of you on your servers.
I did this in Programming class. :D


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