Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I've been wondering that, as well...
Me too...
She can still be contacted on facebook, but she isn't on here anymore. It may have to do with a major personal realization of hers from a bit more than a year ago. Would you like me to contact her and ask?
You can, but you don't have to. If you do, I say hi.

Was playing around with Note Blocks on Minecraft.


GAAAAHHHHH. Why won't it loop right.


I gave up on that particular aspiration, for now. Now I'm just covering A-Ha in a non-rhythmic, 1x1x1 meter cube form with red dust and repeaters. Circuitry plus music on a video game where I usually just build stuff. It doesn't work out very well, but it's worth a try. XD

Have you tried using a powered minecart rail with detector pads? It takes up room, but it is much less complex than wiring a whole timer circuit.


Or, you could do repeater delays.


I'm trying repeater delays now. Seems to be going a lot more smoothly.


I still wish I could figure out how to do the whole DJ beat thing all these YouTube videos show, where you hit levers to change it up/make it loop or stop looping.

Directly loop it back with redstone? The switch is probably operating the other half of an AND or NOR gate.

made mushroom and cherry tomato ravioli, and then a caramelized onion pizza to top it off.


And a margherita pizza for lunch tomorrow.


This is after making poached eggs with hollandaise sauce this morning. I think I'm turning into a foodie? Help....

Long Summary of my "adventure" last night. 


Basically I went downtown (actually by Chinatown which is sketchiest place I've ever been to, and I used to live in the closest thing the east coast in Canada had to a ghetto) by myself and went to a concert with equally as sketchy people by myself to watch one band play. It took an hour to get there and equally as long to get back.


I learned that I'm a fucking idiot for not asking my friend for her number (therefore rendering me alone), that charging your phone in the bathroom is the weirdest thing ever, especially when you have to unplug the lamp that LIGHTS that damn bathroom, that I hate our LRT, and that when wearing a frilly, lace skirt, you attract attention no matter what. I also learned that when in a sketchy place where the only two girls who I felt mildly un-paranoid around were my age I suddenly become VERY aware of my ethnicity/age. I was one of the only people under 20 there and not white. I have NEVER been self-conscious about my ethnicity before and yesterday actually made me feel awkward.

On the bright side, I saw the band I liked. On the not so bright side, I had to leave early and only got one picture plus I didn't even get to talk to them. I also felt like a retard half the time and got lost. Twice. Oh yeah, and the dollar store across the street? Didn't even sell things for a dollar. Plus the windows got closed with GIANT metal sheet things. Did not help my paranoia. 


I will no longer feel guilty downloading this band's music illegally not that I ever did, and I'm starting to hate these pictures. Next thing I'm looking forward to be disappointed in: My birthday. Yayayayyayay. Stupidest fucking idea I've ever had in my life. The amount of awkwardness/paranoia I felt the entire night made anything worthwhile about it dead to me.  I don't even want to look back and laugh on it. /Endrant. 

Edit: I feel the need to add that I'm super proud I did not cry. I felt very compelled to start crying when I got lost, but I learned that I very, rarely cry. Which is nice. At least I won't look AND feel pathetic.

Working on...


1. A webcomic called DIS/LOCATED. No spoilers for now.

2. A sort of Evangelion rip off/fanfic. (I say Ripoff because it lacks the original characters, plot, and general setting.)

3. My story about the gay Angel and Demon couple raising the Antichrist.

4. A darker take on fairy tales (Not a parody.)

5. A set of Good Omen's short stories.

I just finished reading Good Omens this morning. I freaking love that book. :D


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