Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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"I am, and this is my servant, Patsy."


What a character in Spamalot:

Listening to recorded live Jason Mraz music and researching colleges.



U Chicago. Holy eff. I NEED THIS.


Essay option number one (not that I'm applying until next year, but still): What does Play-Doh have to do with Plato?


Option six: don't write about reverse psychology.



Plato was creative = Play-Doh is creative. 


And that's without me even Googling shit about Play-Doh/Plato. 

I'm sure they'd accept you right off for that answer. xD

If you're interested in the U of Chicago, you can take it. XD 


I can't apply for American universities anyways. 

Thanks. xD


And I can't apply for Canadian ones. 'Tis a sad day.

One day, I'm sure we'll mold into one super country. Or something. 


Maybe we'll have some crazy American-Canadian version of Napoleon who wants all of North America?

Lolol. Or something.


Heh. That'd be interesting.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck


That is all. 

You didn't progress into squee language. All caps, trillions of exclamation points, that sort of thing.


Hm? Doesn't sound pleasant.

Fuck is a sacred (read: commonly used and adored) word for me. I wouldn't hurt it with such barbaric ways.
Might have to move again... God dammit.


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