My AP Lang teacher wrote on the board while telling us not to use the words "very" or "alot" in our writing. He then told us not to use "a lot", either.
He neglected to mention that "alot" isn't a word.
Show him this:
Alot is a word. Sort of.
I read the blog on that link and got only as far as the "one finger on each hand" idea before I dissolved into thoughts of my favorite wish for a Microsoft icon: that hand pointing the index finger really would be amusing shooting the birdy. You know ... this one:
Incidentally, I went on a fun spree of looking for such an icon and ended up at a list of body language at this site. For all you writers out there wondering how to "show, not tell" this info might come in "handy."
Any of ya'll feel that earthquake? They could feel it at Fort Bragg, apparently. We didn't notice it, and we're only a couple miles south... My mom felt it... This mess doesn't happen here. I mean, there's a fault line in Wilmington, I think, somewhere close, but it just doesn't get any action. This is scary...
EDIT: Offices in Raleigh were evacuated, too...
Ever heard of the New Madrid quakes? :V
Apparently we had a small one here yesterday, so I think the, ahem, same fault is having some troubles. I didn't feel a damn thing.
(Then again, as a child in California I slept through a 7.8 or somesuch.)
All the reports I've heard were "glasses shook in the cabinet, house shook a bit" but no major damage.
Also it's kind of adorable to hear all the "holy shit my first earthquake" from East Coasters.
That's pretty much all that happened, other than the evac of most cities...
Aaand, that's the biggest deal. Because this DOES NOT happen here. It's like ya'll getting tornadoes and hurricanes and crap. Speaking of which, Irene is supposed to clip us later this week... awesome. Nobody is prepared for stuff like this.
We do get tornadoes here :X
Edit: We also laugh when the East Coast shuts down for two inches of snow.
Ha, we rarely do. Until recently. Now all the schools are like "ohwaitcrap." because they thought huddling against a glass hallway would make us safe. It took an elementary school getting ripped to shreds for them to figure this out...
Ah, yes... Cause that would be dangerous for the buses. At least, that's the excuse. Honestly, I think they just want to go play in the little snow we get just like the rest of us.
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