Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Heh, I wonder what Cody's is. He weighs like 95 lbs. XD

Apparently my Google account was hacked by someone in Russia.


Holy shit.


I'm glad my Facebook isn't connected to that account anymore.


Quality is absolute crap, and this is the only song out of eleven that the owner posted. But I love this song, and I'm glad she used this one. It was my favorite and probably one of my best, even though you can't hear my guitar. I have an acoustic and had to use a microphone, and we couldn't get it balanced right. It kept picking up the lowest note and all you could here was it buzzing, getting louder and louder until the microphone flipped out. Sooo... yeah. This is my favorite and, in my opinion, the best one that has been posted so far.

Somebody just blocked me from commenting on their questions on Sodahead because they thought I was a Sockpuppet--which apparently means an experienced member who creates a noob account.


I am amused. X3

Of all people, I thought you would know what a sockpuppet was...

Hey, I wasn't entirely wrong--apparently, it means a member who doesn't want to ruin his rep' by posting an unpopular opinion, so they make another account to troll with.


And in my defense, I learned my internet colloquiallisms from TTS and MDW, along with from you guys. I have not had a particularly informative career.

Still happy. I like being a troll.

Hmm, maybe there -- I learned that a sock was just a puppet account of someone else's.


Like say, A posts something, and B posts to tear them down. C posts to rip apart B -- C is an account registered by A so they can make themselves look popular.

Nevermore has been officially pushed back to August 2012, confirming a release I'd found earlier.



I wonder why.


Ah well. I stopped caring about MR somewhere between book four and book five. I can wait.

Depends how you want to play it:


A) He's making it longer

B) He's editing it and making it better.

C) He has other special plans that make the wait worth it.



A) He's doing it for the hype.

B) He's doing it to push it closer to the movie release.

C) He's doing it  because he's out of ideas.

D) He's doing it because he's bogged down by his other books.

E) He's doing it because his last book was rejected by his editor, and now must be rewritten.

My word, I like running now. It's partially addictive. I feel bad when I don't go. What the hell? Since when did I like physical activity?


Also, we have so much aspirin it's not even funny. Seriously, who wants some? The cashier joked with my sister and I and was all, "FREE ASPIRIN GUYS! Don't take it like candy! No, I'm not kidding. I shouldn't even sell it to kids your age." (We spent $14.41 (CDN bitches, it's worthy more. Why do I have to pay more than you guys for this) on over 50 boxes of Aspirin. Nearly half of that is the 500 MG with 100 tablets. Legit, what the hell are we going to do with this?)


And today when I go out, I will buy more. London Drugs let's us use the extra  money (it's $6 off so if I get one that's 3.99 I have $2 to use for something else). It's pretty great. 


So guys, who wants some aspirin? My dad told me to give it to my friends for their birthday. I don't even...

It's happening again... <.> 

It looks like Tommy (my stepdad) is leaving.

I'm fine with this. I'm just worried about how this is going to leave us financially and stuff like that. Plus Mom is a mess and there's no way my brother and sister will do anything she says without him there to scare them to death. I completely lost it on my brother today. My mom actually saw me scream at him for the first time. I mean I've done it before, but not in front of her. I was actually told that I was scary. That's news to me.

But it looks like I'm going to have to take a lot more responsibility than I've been doing. 

Shit. Shit. Shit. 


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