Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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It's kind of sad and kind of bizarre. We found out last night that he's leaving, and then we come home from school today and POOF. All of his stuff is gone. It's just... weird. I've never been in this house without him living here too, even if he always was kind of awkward around all of my weird friends and my mom's weird friends. >.> 

My brain is just like... DOES NOT COMPUTE. He's going to yell up the stairs any minute and remind me to wash the dishes. But he's not.

You know you picked the right major when you walked out of all three of your first Monday classes with a shit-eating grin on your face.

Facebook gave me an "on this day" notification.


Two years ago, I wrote this: oh my gosh! they have pirate english as a language setting! try it it's funny!


Holy eff has the internet changed me. 

Eehee, and in September of '09: is super pissed! got banned off of my favorite website, and i don't know why!!!


Lololololol. I was so weird before like December...

I'm 22.


I feel old.

Tell me about it.


:D I'm not the oldest one on here?!


Heh... *18 in December* ^-^;

Yeah, I'm gonna "pretend" I'm 21 with experience - lord knows my mother did for quite a while.


Heh, no. And there are lurkers/deserters who're older than me.

Two. Fucking. Quakes. In. Less. Than. Fifteen. Fucking. Minutes.



Even better - the first was a 4.0 on the Port Hills fault, and the second a 4.7 on the Greendale.


Jeez, I don't freaking like this.



Earthquakes sound scary.


*lives in a place where the only natural disaster that ever happens is tornadoes, and even those don't really happen because I live in an upper-middle class, white, suburban bubble*

For my Fiction Writing class, the Professor insisted on three things at the beginning of the semester.


1: Your protagonist cannot die.

2: There are no dreams allowed in your story.--especially if the story itself is all a dream.

3: The presence of alcohol/drugs in your story is okay, but your protagonist cannot get intoxicated.  Stories are about characters making decisions that affect their lives or the lives of other characters, and they need to be in control of themselves in order to make those decisions.


Curious, I don't find these as common with the fanfic writers on MDW. Maybe he's seen something I haven't?


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