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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Because it's obvious to poor Patty that he messed up somewhere; he doesn't have as much of a public image from his YA novels as Rick Riordon, Rowling, or Meyer and doesn't understand why. As a result, he's axing all his YA series. W&W--cancelled. MR--cancelled. DX--soon to be cancelled. His remaining YA books have no series planned.

What he failed to realize is that YA popularity is about more than the writing, it's about getting a community built up. He killed himself, first in banning the Antis--arguably (odd though it may seem) the strongest followers of his books, then again in stopping the Featured posts, then put the last nail in the coffin through a lack of forum spam regulation.


So his ad campaign fails too. Why? Because the community couldn't care less, they're more interested in their RPs than the series anymore.

This is why I pulled the ARG project. ARGs bring communities together--and you saw how well it worked, brief though it was. But JP can't be bothered...

I would be all for this if I didn't hate Patty and Hachette so much. 


I don't see why we should care so much. MX fucked me over. I couldn't care less what happens to that cesspool. I'm glad I went there, I'm glad I became enlightened there, I'm glad I met a lot of amazing people there. However, the site has very little, if any at all, sentimental value to me. It wasn't the site/site owners that made me compelled to go online, it was the people there.

JP doesn't seem to care about his fans. Hachette couldn't care less about loosing an unpopular YA series. I don't see why we should try to save something that people don't even give a shit about.  

ARG was fun and different. And I was really hoping it would at least attract JP's attention, even if just a little bit. Didn't. Give. A. Fuck. I fail to see the point in beating a dead horse.  

Wait, so you're on a plight to save the fandom, then?


And he didn't do that.  His publishing company did.  


Really?  Cancelled?  Not even to be finished, ever? 


And yeah, the site really tore down communities, but it also provided great opportunities for it.  And it's not like they won't exist elsewhere.  


And otherwise I agree with Xuut.

I was given mod power once.


Five minutes later, all of the other mods had been banned, I immunized myself from being banned myself (Aside from from the Admin) and I rewrote the site to declare myself it's king.


...It was in jest, and all the other members and mods were friends, mind you. They weren't strangers, and we all had a good laugh afterwards.

Tu vuò fa l' americano!


Listening to this song. I love it. That kid never did bring the flashdrive with Minecraft on it... :/

Trying to decide what the hell to do with my hair. >.<'


It's halfway between short and long enough to touch my shoulders and it needs to be cut.

Get something like my old hair cut


I'm in the same boat really. Layers or no layers? Hmmm. 


Oh, mine's shorter than that. And I want it short. I just don't know what to tell the haircutting people...


How long's your hair?

Just get it the same style but shorter? It looks best with the back REALLY short and tapered and the front nice and angular. Bring a picture. I'm awful at telling them, language barriers do not help, so I just bring a picture and let their imagination wander. If it's not an old Asian person cutting my hair, it turns out okay. Or it being done at Sears. That was a bad idea too. 


This long. 

And everytime I look at pictures of my brother I can't help but think, "wow, what a douche-tool-asshat; I can't believe we're related."


Please let me be adopted/switched as a baby. It would answer so many of my questions in life. 

On an unrelated side note: if I buy things online and the price is marked as American Dollars, does that mean it's actually cheaper for me? Or will it be an asshole like here and tell me that something worth $10 here is actually $15?

Canadian money is currently worth more than American money, I believe.

It is. Sadly. That means we're fuuuuucked. 


But here we have two prices. It always says, "American: $20.00 Canadian: $30.00" because Canada sucks and is STILL charging us more. So I was wondering if I ordered online, if it would be better. Would it be LESS than American prices?


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