Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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There's like 10 people in my grade of like, 800 people who are doing full IB so I have to defend my choice, a lot

It's like a year of university but in high school. It's a little less the amount of work a Uni student would face along with some extra curricular that are requirements for some schools. 


XD Fair enough. 

I'm sorry for this - I had promised to try and keep the RWC out of this thread, but




Basically, shock, disbelief, and lots of amusement.


Means there's likely to be a Aus/SA quarterfinal, with the winner playing the AB's in the semi's, Final likely to be vs England.

See, I'm at that time in my life, where my friends and acquaintances and assorted cousins are getting married/popping sprogs.




I thought 21st season was bad.

Ho-lay shit.
You guys are still here.

I didn't even know.

I'll have to start hanging here again.

I miss you guys.

I don't even know where to buy a life, dude.

It's in the supermarket, in the Cereal asile.


Miss you too.

Lol, fuck. 


I think my annoying partner for Chem fucked up our lab. 


Magnesium should gain weight when it's oxidized right?

I don't think I ever had a lab, esp, in APChem that didn't have less than 100% error at the end of it.  If it was less than 30%, I considered it a victory.  


But that's what error reports are for!  Best part of the lab, justifying all your mistakes. XD


But yes, it should.

But... It was 46.31g at the beginning at got to 46.27g at the end of it. XD I can't even calculate the amount of moles there, I don't think. 


I don't even know how I can justify this type of error. XD 


Oh. Nevermind, while rereading the instructions I realize now that it says 0.3g for the bit of Magnesium, not 0.03... So my uncertainty thingee better be right. 


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