Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Alright, I'm dead.



This girl in my Chem and Math knows a pair of twins I went to elementary school with because they both went to a teenage Vietnamese temple resort. sndslkdajnflk jds sooooo creepy. 

Everyone's online!  AJSDNDNOCB PARTY NAO
Guys, does Minecraft get less frustrating with time?
No.  Just wait till your first diamond pick gets burnt in lava.
Although, by the fourth or fifth diamond pick, you stop caring because you have an infrastructure up.



I may or may not have deleted savegames after hours of work because a creeper exploded me into lava :C

Mnecraft is like life in the sense that while your technology improves, your challenges change.

So you've built a house? Now it's time to start mining.

So you've started mining? Not good enough, now you need to build a mining infrastructure.

So you've built a mining infrastructure? Grand, now you can go to the Nether.

But wait, you have no infrastructure in the Nether! Go build one.

But now your infrastructures in both places are getting annoying. Time to learn redstone to automate it.

Finished that? Now you need to find a stronghold to get to The End; something that requires established complex stuff in both the Overworld and Nether.

But wait! The stronghold with the End portal is miles away from your house! Time to build a long distance infrastructure involving automation, massive construction, mincecart tracks, and Nether coordinate calculations.

Congrats, you're at the End, time to build a third infrastrcture and deal with the dragon that will never, ever die.

So you've finished 'the game' but suddenly you realize--you've barely explored anything! Then you start finding cool new places, which require transport and architecture,  and this continues on ad-infinitum.

And along the way, you realize, "wait--redstone is like electronics! I could automate anything! I could build a 1,000 pixel display screen and play Space Invaders on it!" Then, suddenly, you're learning real-world logic gates.


And so on...



Ohmygodmylifeisworthless.... I still haven't even done half of that. D:


I do however help my Java programming teacher run her new Minecraft server for my class. :D

I love how I'm one of the only four girls in the class, yet I know more about it than anyone else, and therefore become the only student OP on the server. 

Here you go random person, have a bucket of milk because it's completely pointless and therefore fun. :D Yes, you can have a diamond pickaxe! No, you can not because I don't feel like giving you one. Now I will teleport you to an unbreakable jail made of bedrock! MUAHAHAHA I AM GOD. :D


Also I've tried to write a song with note blocks. And a beatbox machine thing. *shudder*

There are two ways to make songs with noteblocks:

1) Minecart-controlled sensor pads which set off note blocks as the cart follows a track.


2) Repeater delays--this one is more popular.

I tried the repeater delay thing. I've gotten the very beginning of the song Take On Me by A-Ha. XD It actually sounded okay, but it took forever.

The other thing I tried was something like a beatbox rhythm machine thing... There was an eight-beat clock and several strings of redstone with noteblocks that could be switched on and off with levers, so it was like being a virtual DJ. It worked, but again it took forever and I never really finished it. XD


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