Happy celebration of a giant sphere of semi-molten rock being in the same position now relative to the giant flaming ball of hydrogen, helium, and radiation that it revolves around as it was when your mindless shell exited your mother's womb!
Has anyone else been having trouble accessing this thread lately?
*accidentally broke the site*
Decided to take up Magic so I can make some more friends and be more social.
Yes, seriously.
Well, yes, but it pays to have a hobby in common with every other guy in the school.
To put things in perspective, all the uber-nerds at my school are too busy doing advanced mathematics and science olympiad to have any other hobbies, and everyone else plays magic. The science olympiad team, for the record, is so full of testosterone, arrogance, and competitivesness that going into it would be suicide, so that's out of the question.
So I'll just join the Magic club, where all the normal kids are.
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