Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Umm, we got banned for reasons other than Fake Nathan. Permabanned. And they're threatening other things. Being banned from MX is the least of our problems now.
FISHY!! *hugs*
Why did they ban you and Lamp? I'm so confused...and depressed.
Why? Um... It wasn't the Nathan thing. There's other reasons. For some reason they have it in their heads that they can get us for cyberstalking. They're going to "call the authorities," and that may or mayn't be an idle threat, but I'm scared shitless.
What Nathan thing? Everyone is talking about it but I don't know what's going on...

"Cyberstalking"? WHAT THE HELL MAN?! *swats hand over mouth* Sorry....
A few people made their u/n's "Fake Nathan." I wasn't even online for that....

Yes. Cyberstalking.
@Fishy: Neither was I....

They let their imagination get to them to much. >.>

@Nathan: I can tell they did. All of the people that posted a lot are all gone. Now it's whoever is left against the squees and the mods.
@End: Yes, they have admitted to stalking this site.

Classy, guys. At least get fuckin' accounts :
End, there is a squealer on that site, please don't say anything that could be taken wrongly. That post can sound really bad, I don't want to be arrested for something I didn't do.
Nathan, why do they feel the need that they have to stalk us here? Isn't this site supposed to be where we ESCAPE them?
@Luna: The immediate response that comes to mind is that they are control freaks who have a burning need to know that we aren't planning to come back and talk to our friends or participate in fandom, because god knows that is a fate worse than death :O
@Nathan: They need to take the sticks from their butts and worry about the people on their site right now, not stalking people who have gotten banned.
@Luna: Yep. My suggestion, lurker mods? Leave us alone, plz. No, I can't speak for everyone with confidence, but I can make a good guess: we're minors who like to have a community to fit in with. So let us alone, find someone else to torment (preferably closer to your own age -- have some honor), and we'll leave you alone.


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