Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Makes perfect sense. There's a squealer here. She doesn't want to get into trouble. We'll never be back on MX, or TTS for that matter, we're completely staying out of Hachette and Mod-related stuff from now on.
That's not good. I haven't been saying nice things about the mods today...but you know what the hell, I'm probably going to leave MX soon anyways... It's really lonely on there without you and Lamp... v.v
Just don't get yourself into trouble. And, anymore, I don't consider being banned "trouble," seeing as I've been permabanned, attempted IP ban from NING, and threatened legal action in the past day.
I can see why you feel that way.. I hope they don't take legal action, though they don't have much of a case I would think. Lawyers are leeches though, so my father says...
Same... God, that'd be bad. Meeting Lamp IRL would be fun, but my mental image of that doesn't involve a court room, or being roommates in Juvie.
*interrupting awkward* The only case I could see would be pro-us, accusing them of cyberbullying.
Yeeeeaaaaaahhh..... That would suck. Although it is kind of funny to picture you guys meeting each other in a prison cell.

Edit: @Nathan: Sounds like a plan to me :D
I.... can deal with no MX. Or no NING. If they'll just drop it there. Believe me, we're done. We have no intention of coming back to MX, or TTS, or anything else. But I want to know who the squealer is.... *is extremely hurt and sad about that*
I want to know too...
If it makes you feel any better it's not me.

You know I was just starting to like ModGenn? I thought she was kind of cool, but then all this happened...

I'm... I have no words at the moment. Imma go cry in a corner now, if you don't mind... *goes off to corner*
No! Be happy Fishy! HAPPY IS SAY!! *hugs*
*hugs back* I can't help but blame everything on myself.... If I look at it in the right light, the mods did nothing wrong. Not that they didn't do anything wrong, because they did, but....


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