Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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9k and I'm tired, as I've stayed up til 1:30 every day this week writing. I'll still two days ahead though, so I'll pack it in for tonight and pick it up tomorrow.
Pushed for another thousand. Now at 10k.

End of day 3 and I have 15k.

I'm not entirely sure how I managed this, but I'm exhausted.

Should I go to sleep early tonight?

I'm going to sleep early tonight.

I agree, and I'm only at 66% of your score.

Not sure if I should do this.... I'm more of a oneshot kinda girl


It'd be interesting, though. Hmm.

My evening was robbed of me by people who did things without scheduling. Still at 10k.

20k in four days.

I assume this is how getting shot in the head feels. I've had a perpetual headache for 48 hours.





Look on the bright side. Keep going like that for the rest of November and you'll have 150k. And you now only need just over 1000 words a day to finish the 50k goal.

Didn't get the chance to write at all today, but just did a thousand words in the last 20 minutes. 1/5 of what I wanted to do today, and mom wants me to do a bunch of private school stuff tomorrow (essays, applications, etc.), but we'll see. I want to write at least 5k, 8k if possible. Hopefully I'll be 60% done by the end of the weekend.

14k. I'll break 15k tomorrow morning, then get schoolwork done, then keep pushing for as long as that goes.


Glancing back through this thread, I'm beating myself from last year by only about 300 words or so.

We don't have school on Friday. So my creative writing club is doing a lock-in on Thursday. Bring the laptops and writewritewrite. I'm excited. :D


5K and catching up. Going to be caught up by Monday, only to fall behind again due to the play being next week. (And I'm in it, so I will have no time. *sigh*)

Fell asleep at 2:30, woke up really energetic at 5. Checked the morning news (read: Tumblr/Reddit) and am now writing. 800 words so far today...


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