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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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That's alright, thank you very much. :D

A kid in my gov class (who just so happens to be the younger brother of my older brother's friend) came dressed up today as the 11th Doctor, fez, sonic screwdriver, and all.


I was briefly Facebook stalking him, and he's a nerdfighter, and he likes Jason Mraz.


Holy eff.

Twas made to be?
Science of Squees, Antis, and everyone Else, condensed to two pages of light reading:

ahahaha that's kind of sad. We're subject to our genetic programming. Bear does = run away.


but, but, but... squees grow out of it. Have you ever seen an anti revert to squeedom?

If I am in the right mood I will fight you to the ground on some issues. Like The Thing being a good movie.


But the argument doesn't become "I would fuck Kurt Russell therefore The Thing is a good movie"; it's "I enjoy The Thing, so I consider it a good movie".


Either way: yes and no.

I finish the final exam for my degree in 5 hours.
Finished. Probably passed.

Our district was one of two in the surrounding regions who didn't close school today for the snow. There were like three inches, and the roads were kind of iffy this morning.


I swear, people's bitching has never annoyed me more.

"The superintendent's from Alaska!" No, he's not.

"The roads were horrible!" Love, it's November. It ain't bad yet.

"All the other districts got to stay home!" Yeah, it's because they got more snow, have more students from farther away, and a variety of other reasons. Stop fucking wallowing in self-pity. If you gave a damn as to why it's like this, ask someone instead of complaining nonstop in every fucking class. It may happen this way because of stupid politics, but the whole fucking world doesn't actually revolve around you not wanting to sit in class.



But... isn't Colorado used to snow?

I mean, theoretically. It happens periodically from November through April.

But high schoolers will bitch.

There was like 7-8ish inches in my lot of Colorado that didn't close.

And yes, while bitching is annoying and we may not have completely deserved a snow day, I also find our fucking superintendent's need to heroically take it upon himself to keep schools open so that "our less fortunate kids will have a warm place to stay," EVERY TIME THIS HAPPENS slightly annoying.  While I sympathize with them, he seems to forget repeatedly that he's running an educational district, not a daycare service.  If it was really because he wanted to provide a hot meal for families who need it (a move that I would wholeheartedly support) then he wouldn't still give us a seven hour regulation schoolday.  Every time this happens, I see him trollfacing while he's warm and at home.

And no, keeping schools open last year on the day that it was -20F outside with windchill is still not forgiven. Especially when we had two fire drills the same. fucking. day.


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